Saturday, January 10, 2009

Good Day

I'm awake right now at 10:33 AM because I have a CSO general meeting in 27 minutes.
The sun is up. I want to take a shower so bad because I feel grungy and dirty, but the hot water has been shut off for two days (!!!). My body feels tired. My mind feels tired. Complain complain complain!

But yet, I somehow know it's going to be a good day. 

Despite everything that could go wrong, I know it's going to be alright.

I'll leave with this excerpt from "Waiting Here" by Reuben Morgan, one of my favorite songs in times when comfort is needed:

Everything will work out.
Everything will work out.
When I see You
I know I'll understand.


- Dan


johncadengo said...

Praise God.

"When I see you. I know I'll understand."


milkandjam said...

HI Dan!